AI and Fashion Forecasting: A New Approach to Predicting Trends


Fashion trend forecasting is an essential process that allows designers and merchants to plan collections and merchandising appropriately. Traditional methods of forecasting have been limited by human biases and subjectivity, making it challenging to predict trends accurately. However, using AI for trend prediction offers a more data-driven and accurate alternative approach that is quickly gaining popularity.

Short-term and close-to-season forecasts give a good idea of what customers will want in the next 6-12 months. However, microtrends have a role in short-term forecasting, often concerned with color, style, and the impact of current events and pop culture. Long-term forecasting, which examines broader directional points that suggest societal change, commonly known as macro trends, seeks to identify significant changes in local and international demographics, shifts in the fashion industry, consumer expectations, values, and purchase impetus.

The Benefits of Using AI for Fashion Forecasting

Fashion forecasting agencies use a combination of intuition and data, presenting their findings through writing and mood boards. However, this process can be complex and costly due to the extensive information required. That's where AI comes in.

According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the AI market in the fashion industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.9% from 2019 to 2024. By 2025, the global AI software market in the fashion industry is expected to reach $4.4 billion, up from $270 million in 2018, according to a report by ResearchAndMarkets. These figures demonstrate the increasing significance of AI in the fashion industry.

Using AI for trend prediction offers several advantages, such as increased accuracy and objectivity. A survey by IBM found that 75% of consumers expect retailers to use AI to improve the shopping experience. By analyzing text and hashtags on social media, online collections, and customer activity on e-commerce, AI can help designers stay ahead of the curve by identifying trends and creating designs that resonate with consumers. AI-powered supply chain optimization can reduce inventory costs by up to 25%, according to a report by McKinsey & Company.

In particular, Heuritech, a fashion forecasting firm, uses AI to transform real-world photographs posted on social media into relevant data. Heuritech's technology determines the characteristics of products in social media snapshots, allowing them to quantify prior trend growth and evolution and forecast future behavior. AI-powered image recognition technology can increase the speed of product tagging by 50%, according to a report by CB Insights. By using AI, designers can get a more comprehensive understanding of trends and create designs that are more likely to be popular.

The Future of Fashion Forecasting with AI

The use of high-tech in fashion trend forecasting is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to completely change the way businesses operate. With the power of AI and social media, we can get a more accurate picture of what styles will be popular next season or even next year.

For example, the Amazon-backed AI tool GeoStyle has used publicly available images through Instagram and Flickr to build a dataset containing 7 million images of people from around the world and predict the future of fashion trends. GeoStyle's algorithm segments the map into neighborhoods with a similar fashion sense and clusters together images from similar regions and of similar style, giving researchers an organized database of popular styles emerging in cities around the world. The data generated from GeoStyle's algorithm could be applied to another layer of AI to further transform fashion businesses.

E-commerce made up 30% of retail fashion sales in the US in 2020, and as more brands establish an online presence, a strong push towards AI and ML deployment is being made to customize the user experience. In 2021, e-commerce fashion retailers with AI will potentially increase revenue by 15%, decrease costs by 30%, and increase margins by 40%, according to Deloitte.

GeoStyle's algorithm could provide brands with data to build a ranking model off of, giving more weight to clothes that fit within what's in-style for a user of a particular area. As AI becomes more advanced, we can expect to see more accurate and personalized recommendations for consumers, improved inventory management for businesses, and a more sustainable approach to fashion.

Challenges and Limitations of AI in Fashion Forecasting

While AI offers a promising new approach to predicting fashion trends, there are potential challenges and limitations to consider. One issue is data bias, which occurs when the data used to train AI algorithms is not diverse enough and reflects existing biases in the fashion industry. To overcome this issue, AI technology should be trained on diverse data sets that are more inclusive. Additionally, human creativity and intuition are still essential in the design process, as AI can only identify existing patterns and trends but cannot create something entirely new.


In conclusion, AI offers a new and exciting approach to fashion forecasting that is more data-driven and accurate than traditional methods. By using AI to predict trends, designers can create designs that resonate with consumers, improve the shopping experience, and reduce waste in the fashion industry. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges and limitations of using AI for trend prediction.

By 2025, the AI wearable technology app market is expected to grow to $10 billion, according to a report by Tractica. The implementation of AI in fashion increased by 600% between 2015 and 2018 according to a Vogue Business report.

As the use of AI in fashion forecasting continues to grow, we can expect to see more accurate and personalized recommendations for consumers, improved inventory management for businesses, and a more sustainable approach to fashion. As we continue to collect more data and develop more advanced AI technology, the future of fashion forecasting looks bright.



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